02 Nov An AV System for the School Hall
Have you ever considered installing a quality AV system in the school hall? There are so many benefits where does one start?
A quality audio system will provide a professional solution for many different events. Whether it is morning assembly or a year-end concert, audio systems can be tailored to suit every room type and every application. Whether you need a single microphone or a multi-channel mixing desk with wireless Microphones for every budding actor, an audio system should manage all your requirements with ease.
The most popular school hall display system is projection. Over the years projectors have gotten brighter and costs have reduced considerably. Today we can install extremely bright projectors which handle Full HD signals and provide a range of connectivity options. We can provide wireless projection and screen sizes up to 6Mtr. wide. An experienced AV company will be able to measure up your hall and design the correct solution for you.
‘A to Z’ of School Hall AV Systems
A – Audio: The audio solution is key. How many speakers? What Size? Location? Is specialist acoustic treatment required to reduce reverb?
B – Bass Bins: Are Bass bins required? Ideal for cinema and concert applications, Bass bins will take the sound system to the next level.
C – Connectivity: Consider the type of connectivity required for each part of the system. HDMI, VGA, DisplayPort, XLR, Phono, Speakon, Cat6, and so on.
D – Digital: Is your Audio system digital or Analogue?
E – Easy to Use: Your AV system should be Easy to Use
F – Flight cases: Do you require flight cases to protect equipment or store cables etc.
G – Graphic Equaliser: Is a graphic EQ required to get the best audio results?
H – HD Are you going Full HD or even 4K?
I – Integration: The system integration should be seamless. Neat, Tidy and unobtrusive.
J – Junk: Is your existing system junk? Know when to throw it out. The system you bought in 1991 owes you nothing.
K – Keyboard & Mouse: Will you use a wireless keyboard and mouse connected to a stationary PC located on the equipment rack?
L – Lighting: Is stage lighting required?
M – Microphones: How Many? What Type? What applications? Choir? Presenter? Wireless?
N – Nice cabling: Avoid cheap and nasty cables. Use Pro AV cabling throughout.
O – Operation Sheets – Laminated operation sheets should be provided
P – Projector What type of projector? How bright? What connectivity options?
Q – Quality – Enough said.
R – Rear Projection: Is rear projection an option?
S – Screen: What type of screen? Projection? If so, front or rear? Video wall? Which Aspect Ratio?
T – Training: Detailed End-user training should be provided covering every aspect of the system.
U – UXGA: What computer resolution will you choose to display? XGA, WXGA, UXGA, WUXGA?
V – Visualiser: Is a visualiser or document camera required?
W – Wireless: Is wireless connectivity to the projector required? Are wireless Microphones needed?
X – Xtra Protection: Are ball sports played in the hall? Are protective cages required?
Y – Y Cables – Avoid Them. Use Powered signal splitters and professional distribution products.
Z – Zoned: Does the audio system need to be zoned?
Over the coming months, we will cover all these topics individually in our BLOG section.
Benefits of installing a school hall AV system
An AV system ads versatility to a hall. It should blend in with the environs and should operate seamlessly. It should add a professional touch to every event and a sense of event to every occasion.
The single most important consideration to bear in mind is that often the person operating the AV system has very little knowledge, therefore the interface needs to be easy to use from the front end. We engineer our systems to work simply and make day to day use effortless. Choosing an experienced AV integrator will ensure that you get it right, first time. Call us on 01 4660515 to speak to an AV specialist or Contact us.
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